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Best Tips for Writing High-Converting Welcome Sequences

A perfect welcome email can make a long-lasting impression on your new subscribers. Therefore, we have compiled this list of seven best tips to draft a perfect welcome email sequence. Do check them out before you send your email.

High-Converting Welcome Sequences

Last updated on November 21, 2023

You never get a second chance to make a first impression!

Imagine visiting a new restaurant in your locality with lots of confusion and excitement.

With mixed thoughts, as you reach the venue, you are greeted by a friendly staff. They even guide you to your table and provide you with a menu highlighting their specialties.

Now before even tasting their food, you will start feeling great. You will feel welcomed and valued. And say, if the taste of the food is good, you would become regular and you would even recommend others too.

This scene is a good example to show the importance of the first impression. The moment the staff greeted you and took care of you, you started feeling attached to the restaurant.

Now think about your subscribers. A visitor lands on your email list. They are curious about your brand and what you can offer them. A welcome email is like a virtual handshake. It is a chance to make your subscribers feel welcomed and valued.

And how will you do so? By writing better welcome emails.

The welcome email is the first step for your brand to reach out to your potential customers. So you need to pay attention to what you are sending and how you approach the new subscribers.

To make things easier for you, we have brought this article. In this article, you will find the top 10 strategies followed by marketing experts to draft amazing welcome emails. So get ready to make a long-lasting impression on your new subscribers and get them hooked on your brand!

7 Best Tips To Craft Better Welcome Emails

Build one-on-one relations with your subscribers

Try to send personalized emails to your subscribers every time. This is not limited to the first welcome email sequence but to all the emails that you will be sending to the subscribers.

The first thing to mention in the email should be the name of the sender and recipient.

Including your name in the is essential as it helps the recipients quickly identify where the email is coming from. It builds trust and ensures that the emails are not spam but from a credible brand.

And for the name of the recipient, it helps in building a sense of connection in the reader’s mind.

Show a trailer for what’s coming up

Now in the email don’t waste time and immediately communicate the value you will provide to your customers. Tell them what they can expect with the upcoming emails. Also, explain what benefits they will get by signing up for your email list.

Remember, when a customer signs up for email, they are confused. They are hesitant but always curious about your brand. As you clear their expectations, they will know whether to switch your email to primary email or unsubscribe.

Create an irresistible subject line

What is the first thing you notice in your inbox before opening an unknown email? Subject line right? Similarly, your receipts will also read the subject line first before the mail. They will only open the mail if they find it compelling enough to give their valuable time. Therefore you need to create a compelling subject line that creates a positive first impression.

And how to do that? Well, here is a perfect guide for you.

Have you ever noticed the subject lines of emails from brands like Sephora, Everland, Gloster, Allburds, etc.? They all have a few things in common: creativity and catching the subject line. They often use humor & emojis there and add inviting and personalized content.

Use a sequence to raise the curtains

A proper brand introduction helps to create an emotional connection between the brand and the recipient. You can include essential elements like the brand’s mission, values and story to help recipients understand your products.

Try to emphasize the unique selling points of your products. Remember, a customer knows your competitors. And if they are in buying mode, they should know how your products are different from your competitors.

Introduce your products and services that align with the subscriber’s interest. If you have a guide, e-book, or blog, you can send them over through email.

For example, say your new subscriber is a health-conscious person and you are a food blogger. Now you have to tell them how you can help them to find healthy food in different restaurants. Or if you are an online store owner, you can tell them which items they can purchase to continue their health journey.

Now you may have a question: How will you know if your new subscriber is a health-conscious person or not? Well, you will have to look at their recent interactions on the website and what made them convinced to sign up for the email.

Leveraging soap opera techniques in welcome emails

The main goal of writing an email is to connect with your subscribers and keep them engaged in your content. It may sound difficult but is simple if you know the technique.

One such technique is “soap opera series”. It is a concept developed by Andre Chaperon in his Autoresponder Madness training program.

Incorporating lessons from soap opera series into your welcome email sequences can be an interesting and fun way to engage your new subscribers and keep them interested in your content for a long time. It can help you to increase your click-through rates easily.

So what is this all about and how to start? Well, have you ever watched any of these TV shows or soap operas?

  • Vampire Diaries
  • Supernatural
  • Stranger things
  • Or Game of Thrones?

If you have, you may have noticed how carefully these shows weave the story, create unexpected twists & turns and increase the curiosity of the viewers. It’s like a whole roller coaster. So simply have to take lessons from these shows to create an irresistible email.

  • Start with a compelling hook: Just like a soap opera that begins with a dramatic scene, you have to grab the attention of your readers in the first few seconds. Start with anything- a captivating story, a thought-provoking question or a surprising fact about the industry.
  • Create a character: Just like various characters of the shows, assign a distant personality to each email in the welcome email sequence.
  • Weave a storyline: Soap operas are well known for their unexpected twists and turns, and you have to learn these things from them. In your welcome email sequence, try to create a story and unfold it in each email slowly. It could be about anything like your brand journey, the evolution of a product or a customer success story.
  • Use cliffhanger: At the end of each email, create a cliffhanger that will make readers want more. You can even add an unresolved question that would want to open the next email to find out what happened next.
  • Inject emotions: Rather than writing an email that sounds bland, try to mix emotions in it. How? Well, add testimonials, personal stories or success stories to evoke feelings.
  • Use Imagery and visuals: Add visual elements like images, gifs, and videos to grab the attention of the readers and deliver your story perfectly.

Place puzzle pieces in the perfect spots

Finally, you have to include a call to action button in your welcome email that specifically aligns with your goals. But you have to place it strategically. You need to keep your CTA clear, concise and visually prominent in your welcome email. You can use contrasting colors of buttons to make it stand out.

There are several kinds of CTAs you can add in the email, such as a link to your product page, a link to your website, maybe a link to your social media platforms, or any valuable resource/blog. But try not to include more than 1 or 2 CTAs. And also remember that you are only including relevant CTA for maximum results.

Don’t wait too long to send out your welcome email

Be a speedy postman and try to send the email to your subscriber on the very first hours of this subscription. Why? because it will instill their curiosity and interest to receive and engage with the welcome email.

It is important to send the email in the first hour as more than 75% of users expect the welcome email from the brand after subscribing.

But to send an email to every user in the very first hour, you will need to send an automated email series. And how will you do that?

To be able to implement these tips, you need a tool that can help you simplify the whole process. After all, you already have so much work to do and we don’t want you to overburden yourself.

There are many email marketing platforms or plug-ins you can use to automate your campaigns, but we are going to recommend a tool that works best for both tech and non-tech people, from beginners to experts, and bloggers to an e-commerce website owner. //drumrolls// Icegram Express! You have heard it right. Icegram Express is a one-stop solution for everyone including you! Let’s find out more.

Bonus Tip: Send out your welcome email sequences with confidence with Icegram Express

Icegram Express Is an email marketing plugin that is designed to help you create and send email campaigns to your subscribers. It not only helps you to send welcome emails but can assist you in every other email you will be or want to send to your subscribers. For welcome emails, here are some prominent features of Icegram Express that can help you.

  • Subscriber sign up:Icegram Express allows you to collect the email addresses of your visitors through interactive opt-in forms on your websites. You can add these forms as popups, inline forms, or slide-ins. The goal here is to place the phone strategy quickly somewhere on your website to encourage visitors to subscribe to your email list.
  • Welcome email series templates: Icegram Express offers you a library of 3 design email templates. You can choose any of them as per your choice and customize them to match your brand theme and look. Also, be assured that these templates are mobile-friendly and will perform flawlessly on different devices.
  • Automated welcome email: Another benefit of Icegram Express is that it allows you to send automated email sequences. You can configure a welcome email series to be automatically sent to new subscribers instantly. All you have to do is create the body of the email, the subject line and mention CTAs. Icegram Express will automatically change the name of the recipient and send the email.
    Let us give you a secret tip. If you can have more than one email content and configure Icegram Express to send emails as per your segmented list. You can add conditions or set rules for different emails to send personalized emails every time.
  • Analytics: Another feature of Icegram Express is that it can help you track the performance of your welcome emails. You can always log into the dashboard to check essential metrics like open rates, click-through rates and conversion rates. With the help of these metrics, you can understand how well your welcome email campaign is performing and make changes accordingly.
  • Integration: You can also integrate Icegram Express with other tools and platforms, including your e-commerce systems, CRMs and analytics tools. It allows you to sync your subscriber’s data and track the effectiveness of your welcome email campaigns in broader marketing efforts.

Do you want to know more about Icegram Express features and how they can help you with your email marketing campaigns? Learn more about it here- The new Icegram express: A modern take on an old favorite

The significance of welcome email sequences in captivating the audience

Welcome email sequence, in simple words, is the very first email you send to your subscribers. It is a sequence of automated emails sent to new subscribers. The central ideology behind this email is to introduce the brand and its values to your new contact.

And that is why every industry expert and marketing senior emphasizes the importance of welcome email to every person.

According to Marketing Maven, “A well-crafted welcome email Sequence is like a warm handshake- it’s the foundation of a lasting relationship between your brand and subscribers.

Welcome email sequences can make or break your relationship with new subscribers. To list out its importance, we can say:

  • A well-written welcome email makes a good first impression on your new subscribers.
  • It helps you to increase engagement with your subscribers.
  • It is the beginning of your connection with the subscriber.
  • It can be used to drive conversions. Many studies have revealed that welcome emails have better open rates and the sender can expect 1-5% of new subscribers to convert into buyers.


The first email is the most important as it marks the beginning of your relationship with your subscribers. So do follow these simple tips to ensure smooth conversation.

Here are a few takeaways from this article for better email writing:

  • Try to write personalized emails to your new subscribers.
  • Build a positive impression on your subscribers by setting the brand tone and values.
  • Be creative with the subject lines and the email content.
  • Don’t overuse your CTAs. Place them subtly throughout the email.
  • Additionally, make use of email marketing platforms like Icegram to simplify the whole process of creating the email to track its progress.

Hope you have a happy relationship with your subscribers.

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