Achieve seamless efficiency with email automation

Reach, engage, and acquire new customers with IG Express Automation

Amplify your email marketing campaigns with the power of automation.

Experience email marketing like never before with workflow automation! You can automate almost anything with Express, including tasks and notification sending.

100,000+ Active Users
***** Reviews

Make your WordPress business flourish
with Express automation!

Build up your brand’s influence and engagement with cutting-edge efficient communication,
backed by robust and highly personalized email automation.

Automate Anything

Boost productivity by automating various tasks, conserving time, and making the most out of your marketing plan. Drive more sales and subscriptions with automated strategic decision-making ideas. Automate repetitive tasks and allow your team to focus on more critical aspects of your business.

Personalized Welcome Emails

Membership Termination

Simplify membership management with automated emails for expired memberships. Automatically terminate or deactivate subscriptions to ensure membership lifecycles run smoothly and efficiently. Offer a seamless experience to your members, and maintain your system’s integrity and user satisfaction.

Welcome automation
Clients LogoClients LogoClients LogoClients LogoClients LogoClients Logo

Automated Anti-Abandonment

Recover potential or almost lost sales with automated abandoned cart recovery emails. Encourage your customers to complete their purchases effortlessly to negate sales and revenue loss. Personalize recovery email messages to entice customers back and boost your business revenue.

Onboarding made easy

Auto Subscription Confirmation

Strengthen user engagement with automatic subscription confirmations and exclusive coupon codes for new subscribers. Foster loyalty and encourage immediate participation from the outset. Easily verify new subscribers and provide an incentive for them to stay engaged with your brand.

Build trust and foster relationships

Workflow Management

Experience optimized workflow management with the power of automation. Increase your performance with an automated email strategy to get fruitful results. Use analytics to refine your automated campaigns and ensure each email maximizes its impact on the email recipients.

High conversions

Real Impact, Real Stories

Feel the Impact of Genuine Connections – authentic bonds begin here!

Icegram Express’s automation feature has amplified our email marketing. We can now automatically manage expired memberships. It just saves so much time and effort. I heavily recommend this email marketing plugin.

Cynthia Holmes, Entrepreneur & Writer

Cynthia Holmes

Entrepreneur & Writer

The abandoned cart recovery email feature has increased our merchandise sales. Loving this workflow automation thing! We’re seeing more customers completing their purchases. This has been such a great email marketing tool.

Kimberly Tyson, WooCommerce Seller

Kimberly Tyson

WooCommerce Seller

Icegram Express means incessant engagements!

Build email subscribers easily with highly personalized newsletters that convert

WooCommerce Integration

Use the WooCommerce integration to fuel sales for your online store. Send personalized product recommendations and follow-ups to drive more sales and enhance customer loyalty.

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UTM Tracking Enabled

Implement UTM parameters to your email links. Identify which emails generate traffic and conversions. Find high-performing content, fine-tune your campaigns and boost your influence.

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Survey Integration

Integrate survey emails to gain intelligence about client perspectives. Use the intel to plan your next actions. Personalize campaigns to subscriber preferences and increase sales.

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Easy List Building

Add more individuals or prospects to your email list easily with robust list development tools. Become an expert at collecting leads with the use of customizable sign-up and opt-in forms.

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Post Notifications

Keep your audience informed with automated post notifications. Increase website traffic by auto-notifying subscribers about new blog posts and updates. Get 7x subscriptions in the process!

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CSS Inliner Tweaks

Make your newsletters look flawless by transforming external CSS into inline styles. Get an optimal user experience with perfected email rendering for any device or email client.

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Workflow automation is the future!

Put your email communication and tasks on autopilot and let IG Express lead the way. Maximize outcomes with auto-generated emails that convert.

Icegram Express does exactly what I needed!
Their support team was responsive and courteous in providing a solution when I had trouble with workflow. Functionality and support is as promised. I highly recommend this plugin!”

– Hogsten, Business Owner

Frequently Asked Common Questions

We’ve answered most common questions here. Feel free to contact us if your question is not answered.

What is automation in email marketing?

Automation in email marketing takes advantage of software to send emails depending on predefined triggers or schedules. For example, Icegram Express is a popular email marketing WordPress plugin that uses personalized workflows to automate a range of tasks, such as sending welcome emails to new subscribers, recovering abandoned carts, and nurturing leads, assuring timely and appropriate engagement with your audience.

How do I start email marketing automation?

Install and activate the Icegram Express plugin on your WordPress site. To create a workflow that adds users to your email list when they contact you via WP Forms, click on Icegram Express > Workflows > Add New. Follow this doc guide to get it done correctly!

How to design email automation?

You must devise an appropriate plan. It might be a sales funnel or something that encourages readers to purchase your stuff. Start by developing an algorithm, or consult with email marketing specialists. With the help of Icegram Express’s automated workflow, you can quickly move through the design step without any difficulty at all.