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Case Study: How Suriya Retained His Customers Through Icegram Express

Running a business is all about staying in touch with your customers, but without a solid tourism email marketing tool, it’s like shouting into the void. But Suriya cracked the code with Icegram Express! Want to know how he did it? Dive in...

tourism email marketing

Last updated on August 12, 2024

Meet Suriya, the mastermind behind Dutchlong Vacations in Thailand, known for his unbeatable travel deals.

But Suriya had a major challenge, reconnecting with customers who had drifted away, some of whom he hadn’t contacted in a long time. Despite his best efforts, his tourism email marketing just wasn’t cutting it.

That’s when Icegram Express entered the scene. This powerhouse tool didn’t just make Suriya’s life easier – it helped him reconnect with all his customers, boost bookings, and keep his travel business thriving.

Want to know how he did it? Here’s everything in detail…

Who is Suriya?

Suriya is a dedicated travel agent in Bangkok, Thailand, with years of experience running his online travel agency.

Known for his unwavering commitment to his clients, Suriya has a simple mission: “I don’t just sell trips; I create memories that last a lifetime.”

He offers premium tourism packages to some of the most beautiful destinations across Thailand, ensuring that every traveler experiences the very best the country has to offer.

You can check out his business here:

There’s even more to Suriya—check out his social profiles to see his latest adventures and insights.

What were the roadblocks in Suriya’s business?

Running a successful travel agency is no easy feat, especially when faced with persistent challenges.

For Suriya, managing his online travel business came with several hurdles that made customer engagement and marketing a constant struggle. Here’s a closer look at the specific roadblocks that hindered his success.

  • Difficulty Reconnecting with Past Customers: Suriya struggled to reach out to customers he hadn’t been in touch with for a long time. This gap in communication made it challenging to maintain customer engagement and build lasting relationships.
  • Limited Options for Editing Welcome Emails: Finding a tool that allowed him to edit and customize welcome emails was a major pain point. He needed a solution that could cater to his specific needs, including editing text in his preferred language—Dutch.
  • Challenges Tracking Business Progress: Before using Icegram Express, Suriya found it time-consuming and cumbersome to track his business progress effectively. This lack of visibility hindered his ability to make informed decisions and strategize.
  • Inadequate Customer Support: Suriya needed responsive support to resolve issues quickly. He often felt frustrated by the lack of effective assistance from his previous tools.
  • Limited Flexibility with Templates: While some tools offered paid templates, Suriya couldn’t fully access or review them. This limitation restricted his ability to create and use high-quality templates for his email campaigns.

Despite these hurdles, Suriya’s commitment remained strong.

What made the path easier for Suriya?

Suriya’s journey to grow his travel agency was fraught with obstacles, but Icegram Express made his path significantly smoother.

Here’s how!

  • Customer Retention: Suriya could now easily reconnect with past clients, keeping his travel agency top-of-mind. For example, a client who hadn’t heard from him in a while could be reminded of his latest offers, increasing the chance of repeat business.
  • Customizable Welcome Emails: Icegram Express allowed Suriya to send personalized welcome emails in Dutch, making new subscribers feel valued. This personalization led to higher engagement and helped new subscribers feel connected from the start.
  • tourism email marketing
  • Tracking: Icegram Express provided essential insights into email campaign performance, helping Suriya make informed decisions. For instance, understanding which emails performed best allowed him to refine his strategy for better results.
  • Responsive Support: With responsive and helpful support, Suriya could quickly resolve issues and explore features. This efficiency reduced downtime and kept his marketing efforts on track.
  • Flexible Template Creation: Suriya could create and customize his own email templates, enhancing his brand’s presentation. This flexibility allowed him to design emails that better reflected his unique travel offerings.
  • Seamless Import and Subscriber Management: Icegram Express made importing and managing contacts easy, preserving all vital information. This ensured that Suriya could maintain a comprehensive and organized subscriber list without losing crucial details.
  • Broad Email Reach: The ability to integrate with various SMTP and email services allowed Suriya to reach a larger audience. This expanded reach boosted his marketing efforts and increased traffic to his travel agency.
  • Broadcasting: Suriya could send up to 3,000 broadcast emails per month and manage autoresponders effortlessly. This feature kept his audience engaged with regular updates and promotions, driving repeat bookings.

P.S. I was thrilled to know that Suriya’s also using Icegram Engage – it’s a proud moment! Are you using it to turn visitors into subscribers and customers too?

Tackling the crowded travel market can be like riding a wild rollercoaster. But with Icegram Express, Suriya’s journey turned into a smooth, enjoyable ride! From reconnecting with past clients to crafting personalized emails, Icegram Express helped him turn obstacles into wins.

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Try Icegram Express live demo!

Here’s how Suriya thinks Icegram Express made a difference!

For Suriya, Icegram Express wasn’t just another email marketing tool—it is a game-changer.

Here’s what made it stand out in his eyes:

  • After trying out various email marketing plugins, Suriya found Icegram Express to be the easiest and most effective. The clear interface and straightforward features made his life much simpler, unlike the clunky alternatives he had used before.
  • One of the biggest wins for Suriya was Icegram Express’s top-notch customer support. Unlike other plugins, Icegram Express offered responsive and helpful assistance that addressed all his needs, ensuring a smooth experience from start to finish.
  • What really set Icegram Express apart was its ability to deliver everything Suriya needed in one place. From re-engaging past customers to crafting tailored messages, it met all his requirements seamlessly.

In Suriya’s words, Icegram Express didn’t just meet his expectations—it exceeded them. It transformed how Dutchlong Vacations connected with its audience, making every email count and every customer feel valued.

Get Icegram Express Now!

Here’s what Suriya says!

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