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4 Best Email Autoresponder for Affiliate Marketing (Free)

Increase affiliate marketing success with the best email autoresponder for affiliate marketing. Learn about automation, lead nurturing and audience segmentation.

best email autoresponder for affiliate marketing

Last updated on July 22, 2024

Affiliate marketing thrives on building relationships and nurturing leads. But managing those relationships can be time-consuming, especially when it comes to crafting and sending personalized follow-up emails.

That’s why we need best email autoresponder for affiliate marketing. They are the powerful tools that automate email delivery based on pre-defined triggers. Thus, in a way email autoresponders will help you to focus on other aspects of your affiliate marketing journey.

So now that you know there’s a huge benefit to using autoresponders, it is time to learn all the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of the process. Read on to find out all the necessary details and a list of the best email autoresponders for affiliate marketing.

What are autoresponders and why are they essential?

Imagine having a 24/7 salesperson working tirelessly to connect with your audience, nurture leads, and ultimately drive sales for your affiliate products. That’s the magic of autoresponders for affiliate marketers.

What are Autoresponders?

Autoresponders are pre-written emails or messages that are sent automatically based on a specific trigger or action. They are like email ninjas, silently replying while you’re busy conquering the world (or just taking a break). These emails are triggered based on specific subscriber actions, ensuring the right message reaches the right person at the right time.

Why are autoresponders essential for affiliate marketers?

  • Effortless onboarding: Craft a warm welcome email sequence that introduces you, establishes your expertise, and subtly hints at the value you offer. This sets a positive first impression and positions you as a trusted source.
  • Automated lead nurturing: Deliver educational content relevant to your audience’s interests. This builds trust, establishes you as a valuable resource, and keeps your brand top-of-mind; essential goals for lead generation. Within these emails, you can seamlessly weave in recommendations for relevant affiliate products, showcasing their benefits and addressing pain points your audience might have.
  • Targeted promotions: Autoresponders allow you to segment your audience based on demographics, interests, or purchase history. This ensures your affiliate offers are highly targeted, increasing their relevance and conversion potential. Imagine sending protein powder recommendations only to subscribers interested in fitness, not beauty products.
  • Strategic timing: Autoresponders deliver your message at the perfect moment in a subscriber’s buying journey. For example, an email promoting workout equipment might be sent a few days after a subscriber downloads a guide on building a home gym. This capitalizes on their existing interest and increases the chance of them clicking your affiliate link.
  • Re-engagement powerhouse: Autoresponders can be used to win back inactive subscribers. You can send personalized emails with special offers or reminders about the value they’ve missed by not engaging with your content. This can rekindle their interest and bring them back into the sales funnel.

Autoresponders free up your time, personalize communication with your audience, and ensure your affiliate promotions are delivered at the most impactful moments. This translates to higher engagement, more sales conversions, and ultimately, a significant boost to your affiliate marketing income.

Best email autoresponder for affiliate marketing

Imagine this: you write a fantastic blog post raving about a new pair of wireless headphones. Readers love your review and click through the link to the retailer’s website. But… then what?

This is when email autoresponders emerge as a silent hero. And this is what they do:

  • They send targeted emails with exclusive discounts or in-depth comparisons to those who showed strong initial interest.
  • They would send the pre-written customized emails to the target audience rather than the generic “Buy Now” thing.
  • They will send email sequences that highlight the benefits of the product.
  • They will automatically send the affiliate link to the people right when they are interested in reading more about the product.

As autoresponders pose as a benefactors for affiliate marketing, it is time for you to choose one too. There are many options in the market, some can be paid and some can have a free trial to get a glimpse of what you’re getting into.

Consider these factors when making your choice:

  • Budget: Free or paid option?
  • List size: How many subscribers do you have and how quickly is your list growing?
  • Features needed: Do you need basic autoresponders or advanced automation features?
  • Ease of use: How comfortable are you with technology?
  • Integrations: Does the autoresponder integrate with your website, CRM, or other marketing tools?

Let us take an example of how to choose the best email autoresponder for affiliate marketing.

John is an affiliate marketer passionate about promoting fitness equipment. He’s built a loyal audience through his blog and social media, raving about a specific brand of resistance bands.

Now he wants to manually email his entire list to promote the bands. But this process sounds tedious and ineffective.

Therefore he looks for a solution. John utilizes Icegram Express’ free autoresponder to create a targeted email sequence for 21 days:

  • Welcome series: John writes welcome emails for new subscribers and introduces himself as a fitness enthusiast. He mentions his love for resistance bands and subtly hints at future content.
  • Building a home gym: 2 days later, John delivers valuable content on building a home gym on a budget. He mentions how resistance bands are a versatile and affordable option.
  • Resistance band review: The next day, John shares an in-depth review of the specific brand he promotes, highlighting its benefits and showcasing how it can elevate home workouts. He includes his affiliate link for readers to purchase directly.
  • Limited-time offer: A week later, John capitalizes on reader interest by sending an email featuring a limited-time discount on the resistance bands through his affiliate link. This creates a sense of urgency and encourages immediate action.
  • Success stories & reminder: John showcases customer testimonials and success stories using the resistance bands. He also reminds subscribers about the ongoing discount and the value they’ll receive.

Now let us understand how the steps above help John:

  • Once John sets up the sequence, the autoresponder will take care of regularly sending out the designated emails. This saves him time, allowing him to focus on creating valuable content.
  • The sequence warms up subscribers and educates them about the product’s benefits. After that it offers a special incentive which maximizes the chance of conversions and commissions for John.
  • John provides valuable content alongside promotions, building trust and establishing himself as a helpful resource for his audience.

This is just one example! Icegram Express’ autoresponders allow John to create similar sequences for various affiliate products, automate re-engagement campaigns for inactive subscribers, and ultimately grow his affiliate income through strategic email marketing.

Some more email autoresponders

There are also a lot of paid email autoresponders in the market. Here is a list of some of the best email autoresponders for affiliate marketing. Check out and explore them and pick the one that resonates with your needs.


Offers a robust email marketing platform with autoresponders, landing pages, and marketing automation features. Integrates with popular affiliate marketing platforms.

It offers:

  • Landing pages with drag-and-drop tools and templates.
  • Personalized triggered email sequences.
  • Email list segmentation.
  • Live and automated webinars.
  • Abandoned cart recovery and promotional sales features.

Explore GetResponse features.

best email autoresponder for affiliate marketing

Source (GetResponse)


Caters to creators and bloggers, with strong focus on building email lists and managing subscriber relationships. Easy to use interface and strong tagging features for segmentation.

What makes it special?

  • Designed specifically for online creators and businesses to manage email marketing for their audience.
  • Streamlined interface for building emails and managing subscribers.
  • Organizes subscribers with detailed tags for highly targeted email campaigns.
  • Automates the sales process with multi-step email sequences.
  • Connects with popular tools creators use, like WordPress and sales platforms.

Get all the benefits of ConvertKit.




Ideal for complex automation workflows and advanced segmentation. Offers features like lead scoring and CRM functionality, helpful for nurturing leads and managing affiliate partnerships.

Let us look at the various benefits:

  • Craft powerful email sequences with targeted triggers and personalized messages.
  • Laser-focus your campaigns with audience segmentation based on behavior and interests.
  • Automate abandoned cart recovery and sales promotions for increased sales.
  • Design high-converting landing pages to capture leads.

Start your ActiveCampaign journey here.


Source: (Active campaign)


Forget the time-consuming task of manually promoting every product. Segment your audience for targeted messaging and unlock the power of automated email marketing to maximize sales and conversions for your affiliate partnerships.

Icegram Express empowers you to automate email sequences, nurture leads with valuable content, and strategically showcase products you believe in – all without restrictions.

Explore Now!


  • Is Icegram Express easy to use, even for beginners?
    Yes, it is.
  • What happens if my autoresponder accidentally sends the wrong email?
    Most platforms have features like scheduling and confirmation steps to prevent accidental emails. Familiarize yourself with these safeguards.
  • Do I need any coding knowledge to use an autoresponder?
    No, you typically don’t need any coding knowledge to use an autoresponder. The core functionality of creating and sending email sequences using autoresponders is designed to be user-friendly and easily accessible to anyone.
  • What metrics should I track for my autoresponder campaigns?
    Open rates and click-through rates are important, but delve deeper. Track click-to-open rates, conversion rates for specific offers, and unsubscribes by reason. This data helps you refine your strategy and optimize your campaigns.
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