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How to Create & Send an Email Broadcast That Actually Gets Opened (Not Spammed!)

They all warned me about the dreaded spam folder, but when my open rates soared... Discover the secrets to crafting email broadcasts that get results, not rejections.

Email broadcast

Last updated on September 26, 2024

Let me tell you about the time I was certain my email broadcast was going to crush it. The content? On point. The offer? Irresistible. I hit send with visions of high open rates and clicks flooding in. What did I get? Crickets.

Worse, I found out later my beautifully crafted email ended up in the spam folder.

Yep, I’ve been there – and if you’ve ever sent a broadcast that barely got a glance, you probably have too. It’s frustrating, but here’s the deal: when email broadcasts are done right, they can be powerful, game-changing even.

They can get you in front of your audience without drowning in the sea of ignored emails or (worse) triggering those ruthless spam filters.

Let’s avoid that, shall we? We’ll dig into the roots of broadcast failures and explore the strategies that’ll get your emails noticed – for all the right reasons.

What is an Email Broadcast?

Okay, let’s get back to basics. What exactly is an email broadcast?

Think of it as a digital postcard you send to a whole bunch of friends at once. It’s a single email message that goes out to your entire email list, delivering your message directly to their inboxes.

No need to send individual emails to each subscriber – email broadcasts save you time and effort while ensuring your email reaches everyone.

Benefits of email broadcasts:

  • Reach a massive audience in a flash
  • Share important news and updates instantly
  • Spark conversations and boost engagement
  • Drive traffic to your website or landing pages
  • Promote special offers and drive sales

I’ll never forget the time we launched a new product and used an email broadcast to announce it to our subscribers. The response was incredible! We saw a surge in website traffic, social media buzz, and, most importantly, sales.

It was a powerful reminder of how email broadcasts can amplify your message and deliver tangible results.

Why would you use email broadcasts?

Okay, so we get it – email broadcasts can be a bit…hit or miss. But before you write them off entirely, let’s talk about why they’re still a crucial tool in your marketing arsenal.

Think of email broadcasts as your megaphone. They let you:

  • Spread the word: Got a new product launch? A flash sale? An exciting company update? Email broadcasts let you share the news with your entire audience in one fell swoop.
  • Nurture relationships: Regular newsletters packed with valuable content keep your audience engaged and coming back for more. It’s like having a virtual coffee date with your subscribers, minus the awkward small talk.
  • Boost Engagement: Drive traffic to your website, encourage social shares, or even get people to sign up for your latest webinar. A well-crafted broadcast can spark action.
  • Build Your Brand: Share your company’s story, showcase your expertise, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.
Tip: Email broadcasts are not just another marketing tactic. They’re a direct line of communication with your audience, allowing you to build relationships, foster trust, and achieve your business goals.

Types of email broadcasts

Let’s explore a few key broadcast types of email to help you pick the perfect one for your message:

Newsletters: Your regular reach-out to subscribers

Think of newsletters as your weekly (or monthly, or even daily – you do you!) catch-up with your audience.

It’s where you share the juicy stuff: company news, industry insights, behind-the-scenes glimpses… anything that keeps them engaged and feeling like they’re part of your inner circle.

Example: Concept by Function of Beauty -“An Apology Letter to Your Hair”

email broadcast

This quirky email campaign playfully addresses a common pain point (hair woes) and presents their personalized products as the solution. It’s fun, relatable, and gets subscribers clicking that “Order Now” button.

Product Launches: Make a Splash, Not a Flop

Launching a new product? Don’t just send a boring announcement. Build anticipation, show off its benefits, and make your subscribers itch to learn more (and buy!).
Example: Dims.’ “Introducing Word Table Light 2”

email broadcast

This image-heavy email lets the product shine. Minimal text, clear CTAs, and stunning visuals create desire and drive action. It’s the email equivalent of window shopping, but way more effective.

Event Invitations: Get the Party Started (Virtually or IRL)

Whether it’s a webinar, conference, or even a virtual happy hour, personalized email invites get people excited to attend.
Example: DCI’s Webinar Invitations

Clear and concise, these emails provide all the essential details (date, time, topic) while highlighting the benefits of attending. It’s like a mini-sales pitch for your event, without being pushy.

Special Offers & Promotions: The FOMO Fuel

Flash sales, discounts, limited-time offers… email broadcasts are your megaphone for spreading the word and creating a sense of urgency.
Example: Anastasia Beverly Hills’ “15% Off Spring Sale”

This email uses scarcity (“ending soon!”) and clear CTAs to drive immediate action. It’s the digital equivalent of a “limited-time offer” sign flashing in a storefront window.

Announcements & Updates: Keep ‘Em in the know

Are big changes happening? New hires, policy updates, website maintenance… keep your subscribers informed and avoid any unpleasant surprises.
Example: Bose’s “Introducing Bose Frames”

This email announces a revolutionary new product with style. It clearly explains what’s new, and why it matters, and entices readers to learn more. It’s the kind of announcement that makes people stop and say, “Whoa, that’s cool!”

Surveys & feedback requests: Listen to your people

Want to know what your subscribers really think? Ask them! Surveys and feedback requests help you gather valuable insights and show your audience you care.
Example: Livingshop’s Customer Feedback Survey

A simple popup after checkout invites customers to rate their experience and leave a comment. It’s quick, easy, and shows that their opinion matters.

Icegram Express: Your broadcast Best friend

Whether you’re crafting a beautiful newsletter, a compelling product launch email, or a simple announcement, Icegram Express makes it easy. With its intuitive drag-and-drop editor and customizable templates, you can create eye-catching broadcasts that stand out in the inbox. Plus, its powerful features help you avoid spam filters and ensure your message reaches its intended audience.

Remember it’s not about blasting out generic emails to everyone. It’s about choosing the right type of broadcast for the right message and the right audience.

Broadcast vs. Autoresponder: One’s a megaphone, one’s a personal assistant

Okay, so we’ve got these two email tools, broadcasts and autoresponders. They both sound kinda similar, right? Well, they’re not. Let’s clear up the confusion with a simple analogy:

  • Broadcast: Imagine you’re standing on a stage with a megaphone, addressing a massive crowd. You’ve got one big announcement to make, and you want everyone to hear it. That’s your email broadcast – a one-time message sent to your entire list.
  • Autoresponder: Now, imagine you have a personal assistant who’s super organized and always knows what to say. They send out personalized messages to individual people based on specific triggers or actions they take. That’s your autoresponder – a series of automated emails tailored to each subscriber’s journey.

When to use each

  • Broadcasts: Perfect for those big, time-sensitive announcements. Think product launches, flash sales, company news, or event invitations. You want everyone to know about it now.
  • Autoresponders Ideal for nurturing leads, onboarding new customers, or delivering personalized content. They’re triggered by specific actions (like signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase), so you can deliver the right message at the right time.

Think of it this way

  • Broadcast: “Hey everyone, we’re having a huge sale this weekend! Don’t miss out!”
  • Autoresponder: “Welcome to our community! Here’s a special discount code just for you.”

So, remember, broadcasts are for big announcements, and autoresponders are for personalized interactions. Now you’re ready to choose the right tool for the job!

Ready, Set, Broadcast! (But First, Let’s Craft That Email)

Okay, enough theory. Let’s get our hands dirty and create an email broadcast that’ll actually get opened (and maybe even loved!). We’ll walk through the process using Icegram Express, our trusty sidekick for crafting campaigns that convert.

Fire up Icegram Express

Head over to your WordPress Dashboard, find Icegram Express, click on Campaigns, and then hit that shiny “Create New” button. You’ll see a few options, but today, we’re all about Broadcasts (think newsletters, announcements, all that good stuff). Click it.

Template time: Choose or create

Icegram Express has a bunch of pre-made templates to make your life easier. Pick one that tickles your fancy, or if you’re feeling adventurous, start from scratch and let your creativity run wild.

Design tab: Where the magic happens

This is where you’ll craft your masterpiece. Let’s break it down:

  • Subject: This is your email’s first impression, so make it count! Keep it short, snappy, and intriguing. Think of it as the headline that’ll make people want to open your email.
  • Pre-header: A little sneak peek of what’s inside. Use it to tease your content and entice people to keep reading.
  • Design Email: This is where you’ll build your email’s body. Drag and drop elements like text, images, buttons, and more. Make it visually appealing and easy to read.
  • Send Test: Don’t just cross your fingers and hope for the best. Send a test email to yourself first to make sure everything looks perfect.

Try Icegram Express

Publish tab: Get it out there

You’re almost ready to hit send! Just a few more things to check:

  • From Email/Name: Make sure it’s clear who the email is from. You want people to recognize you, not wonder if it’s spam.
  • Recipients/List: Choose the lucky folks who’ll receive your broadcast. Segment your list if you want to target specific groups of people.
  • Preview: Take one last look at your email to make sure everything is in order.
  • Spam Score: Icegram Express has a handy spam checker. Aim for a low score to avoid those pesky spam filters.
  • Tracking: Enable tracking to see how many people open and click on your email. It’s like having a little spy on your broadcast!
  • Send/Schedule: Hit send now, or schedule it for later. Perfect for those midnight brainstorms or early morning launches.

Remember: Features like attachments, multiple recipient lists, and advanced tracking are part of the Icegram Express Max plan. It’s like upgrading your Swiss Army knife to the deluxe edition!

Sending Your Broadcast & Avoiding the Spam Folder

Now that you’ve got your broadcast ready, it’s time to send – but let’s make sure it actually lands in the inbox, not the spam folder. Let’s unravel why this happens and how to avoid it.

The Problem

Email service providers (ESPs) like Gmail and Yahoo have filters to protect their users from unwanted emails. If your broadcast triggers these filters, it gets flagged as spam. This could happen because of:

  • Poor list hygiene: Sending emails to outdated or inactive addresses raises red flags.
  • Irrelevant content: If subscribers receive content that doesn’t align with their interests, they’re likely to mark it as spam.
  • Spammy language: Using words like “Free,” “Urgent,” or “Guaranteed” sets off spam alarms.
  • Lack of personalization: Generic broadcasts can feel impersonal and less engaging.

Best Practices to Avoid Spam

  • Keep your email list clean: No one likes a list full of old, inactive emails.
  • Engage with relevant content: If your subscribers signed up for news, don’t send them cat memes (unless they’re really into that).
  • Personalize whenever possible: People like feeling special – address them by name, and share relevant content.
  • Avoid spammy words: You know the ones – “Free,” “Urgent,” and “100% Guaranteed.” ISPs hate them, and they’ll kick your email straight to spam./li>

Wrapping Up: Your Email Broadcasts, Unleashed

So there you have it – email broadcasts in a nutshell. They’re not just about blasting out messages; they’re about building relationships, sharing your story, and driving action. From newsletters to product launches, there’s a broadcast type for every occasion.

And with Icegram Express as your trusty sidekick, crafting and sending those broadcasts is a breeze.Remember, the key is to avoid the spam folder and land in those coveted inboxes. Keep your content relevant, personalize whenever possible, and follow those best practices we talked about.

Ready to send broadcasts that get opened, read, and loved? Give Icegram Express a spin and see the difference it makes. Your audience is waiting!


  1. Can I send attachments with my email broadcasts in Icegram Express?
    Absolutely! But keep in mind, this feature is part of the Icegram Express Max plan.
  2. How often should I send email broadcasts?
    There’s no magic number, but quality trumps quantity. Start with a weekly or bi-weekly cadence and adjust based on your audience’s engagement and feedback.
  3. What if my broadcasts still end up in spam?
    Don’t panic! Check your spam score within Icegram Express, avoid trigger words, and focus on building a healthy email list.
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