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How to Approach Email Marketing for Fashion Brands?

Email marketing for fashion brands can be different than creating a plan for other domains. Let’s find out the most vital steps to get your email marketing for fashion brands just right!

Email marketing for fashion brands

Last updated on January 4, 2025

Using Gmail might come across as a quick fix, but when sending emails on the scale, doing so is not ideal. This specifically holds for B2B campaigns. CC’ing a list of prospects can come across as unprofessional and risks flagging your emails as spam.

It also fails to provide the formal touch to B2B cold outreach that it requires to be effective. Hence, successful email marketing for fashion brands looks like successful B2B cold email campaigns must be well-crafted, intentional, and personalized for each audience segment.

For sending 200–300 emails, consider a specialized tool like Icegram Express to ensure greater customization and control. These platforms offer an array of benefits when sending emails at scale.

Here’s how you can approach email marketing for fashion brands:


Icegram Express provides features for personalizing each email with the recipient’s name, company, or even unique touches. Personalization is especially important when reaching out to the fashion industry. For example, people who prefer kids’ fashion, or an audience segment that prefers Indian apparel. This allows you to tailor your communication to the needs of customers with different tastes and preferences.

Email template

You can also consider crafting 2 or 3 versions of your email template to match different business types or industry roles, then personalize each email to ensure recipients feel the outreach is relevant. Further, you can opt for A/B testing to find the version that resonates most with your audience.

Icegram Express email templates


These tools also help with automating follow-up emails. This is important as the initial email can go unnoticed when it is first sent. With automated follow-ups, you can set the system to send a gentle reminder or value-added content (like a recent lookbook) a few days after the first email if there’s no response.

How does it help communications with your B2B prospects?

Helps build connections

B2B prospects, especially in high-end fashion, are more receptive to introductory emails that focus on building connections or offering something beneficial.

Introducing offers

You can also introduce offers such as early access to new collections or an invitation to exclusive events. This will help you put your across cold emails as value-added offers rather than a sales pitch.

Retains a strong reputation

This approach ensures professionalism and helps avoid the impression of spam emails. Also, cold email tools let you monitor open rates, link clicks, and replies, giving you a clear view of engagement and allowing you to refine future campaigns.


Hence, while Gmail might come across as an easy option, using a cold email platform can be much more beneficial to providing value, professionalism, and more information.

Want a detailed look into the world of email marketing for fashion brands? Check out Icegram Express now!

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