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Email Marketing for Coaching Businesses: Guide to Boosting Engagement and Growth

Looking to elevate your coaching business? Uncover how email marketing can become your secret weapon for attracting clients, fostering engagement, and achieving long-term success.


Last updated on September 13, 2024

Do you think that your newsletters are not delivering the results you desire?

Well, we are going to change that today!

Newsletters help to inform your clients about upcoming product launches, upcoming events, future partnerships and more.

And just like any other domain, marketing for coaching business can be highly beneficial.

Wondering how to touch as many lives as possible, achieve your goals and be rewarded and recognized for the same.

Read on:

How does email marketing for coaching business help?

marketing for coaching business

Sharing industry insights and expertise

How about sharing your brain power? No, I am not telling you to brag!

Rather you can share your expertise by sharing notable articles from your blog, videos, posts and other valuable verticals through your newsletter. You can also talk about what’s trending, which paints a picture that you are aware of the current ongoings in the industry!

Tracking memes and viral content can also be added to your newsletter if that’s relevant to the subjects you are talking about. This will keep your audience entertained and take your creativity to another level. Moreover, you can link the viral content to the topic of your newsletter or your coaching sessions.

The trends can include some fun days or holidays which are lesser known. This can form the crux of the topics for the newsletters to come.

Compile relevant recommendations

Recommendations coming from an industry expert mean a lot more.

These resources can include books, resources, upcoming events, infographics, or trade shows. You can also talk about industry experts with years of experience to get the engagement ball rolling.

Promote a giveaway, contest, or a promotion

Who doesn’t like gifts?

And that is the emotion we can tap into!
Giveaways can be a great way to attract your client’s attention. This can be sharing a discount code, early access to coaching programs, or courses, talking about an upcoming sale, or an incentive referral.

Such incentives can lead them to share this opportunity with their close ones causing word of mouth to spread.

Developing a personal brand

A newsletter can allow you to share behind the scenes, highlight fun team-building events, or talk about your team. Along with building your brand, this also showcases the humane side of the brand. This also allows you to talk about the company culture. Specifically introducing your employees through your newsletter can also be a great idea.

You can talk about your mission, goals, or simply what led to the beginning of the company and how it grew.

Update subscribers on the company update

Use your newsletters to talk about a website relaunch, launching a new product, partnerships, celebrations, or company milestones, moving to a new location, or news updates.

You can talk about anything that your company is proud to announce. Just ensure that it is relevant to the audience and aligns with their interests!

Builds relationships

Why would you ever listen to anyone you don’t trust?

Marketing for coaching business is all about establishing and building trust; and without trust, it is impossible to sustain your business.
Keeping in touch with your clients through emails helps you build a strong and long-lasting relationship. You can provide relevant and valuable information that can portray you as an industry expert and a trusted authority which can build trust and credibility.

To build credibility, you can share testimonials, success stories and case studies. This also establishes a positive reputation for your business and builds a substantial client base.
Moreover, you can take them through breakthroughs, experiences and challenges that will help them relate to your business long after the newsletter has been read.

Sparks off communication

Needless to say, that communication is indispensable for a brand to gain traction.
As an online coach, you’d want your audience to open the email, read and interact with it.

Rather they must look forward to it.

Additionally, getting people to subscribe to your email can be easy compared to retaining them. This paves the way for subscriptions done through incentives.

You can give regular updates, motivational messages, inspirational quotes, upcoming blogs on your website, reminders and celebrating small victories. A two-way communication will lead them to seek clarification, ask questions and provide feedback helping them with a deeper understanding of their mental patterns.

Consistent communication helps with engagement and building relationships. You can share tips, insights, industry reports and valuable content that resonates with the audience. These verticals keep your subscribers engaged, interested, entertained and educated about your coaching services and the trends in the industry.

Lead generation

Consistent leads ensure a steady source of income for your coaching services.
That’s why creating newsletters for your email marketing funnel can be a powerful tool to attract new leads, nurture current ones and eventually convert them into clients.

This can be done through CTAs and by adding links to the pages of your coaching programs, website, or events. This can build traffic and kick off conversions leading to business growth.

Client retention

Clients love being remembered and that’s what newsletters do!

Newsletters are a great way to show your clients that you remember them and clients stay with a brand when they feel valued and heard. Moreover, it also kicks off client satisfaction, as it feels like their voices are heard. It feels like they are involved in the process of their well-being, growth and development.

By sharing value with them, you show that you care about them and are committed to their growth and well-being. This also builds loyalty and retention.

Build trust and credibility

Trust and credibility are key factors in building customer retention, brand advocacy and business growth. This will open the gates to share their thoughts, feelings, challenges and experiences. This will eventually lead them to participate in the process with an open mind, rather than just being a passive audience.

You can do so by sharing UGC through images, testimonial videos, reviews, articles and stories. This builds user participation and paves the way for a strong sense of community. However, ensure seeking permission before using your audience’s content.

Best practices for enhanced engagement through newsletters

Active listening

Active listening can help you with a mindset, skills and strategies that are required for long-term success. Moreover, it can help you create a safe environment for your clients to open up by respecting client boundaries. Active listening establishes a human connection, by showcasing empathy and genuine interest in your clients.

Active listening helps you learn their needs, concerns and values.

You can do so through the following ways:

  • Giving them undivided attention
  • Asking questions for better clarification
  • Providing feedback
  • Practicing reflective thinking
  • Maintaining a non-judgmental attitude
  • Ensuring communication
  • Encouraging client participation

Choose the right platform

Select a user-friendly platform, with a customizable template, list management, features, tracking performance metrics, analytics and comprehensive automation. The right platform helps you gain insight into the subscriber’s behavior and may often help you design the newsletter.

Email marketing tools can make the process more organized. The data obtained through it can be used to redefine the strategy and experiment with various email types or campaigns, which will further help with optimization.

Before choosing tools, you must consider the pricing, features required, budget and list size.

Add third-party content for more engagement

Your audience might want to listen to more insights and a fresher perspective too!
Third-party content is perfect for doing that!

You can have a conversation with a third-party content creator to discuss a fresher perspective or share your opinion. This can add a diverse layer to the contents of your newsletter.

However, you must also be mindful of the copyright rules and the content integrity.

Moreover, the third-party content must align with your brand value, support your newsletter and resonate with your audience.

Give an incentive for engagement

Incentives can be discounts, rewards, referrals, promotional codes, giveaways, access to exclusive content, or more. This also helps with loyalty and word-of-mouth participation.

Needless to say, the incentive must be relevant to the newsletter and the incentive must be exciting enough to yield results.

You can use quizzes, polls, surveys, Q&A sessions and challenges for consistent and active participation. This will also get the engagement ball rolling.

Besides increasing engagement, it can also provide valuable insights about the subscribers’ interests and preferences.

Be transparent about unsubscribing

Initially, you must ensure that all your contacts have agreed to hear from you. If they are already happy to hear from you, there will be fewer unsubscribe requests and reduces the risk of spam.

If they want to unsubscribe, allow them to do so easily.

Because that would mean getting fewer unsubscribe requests, which can save your reputation. Hence, makes it easy for them to unsubscribe.

What’s more? Did you know that on average, people only take 51 seconds to read a newsletter? With such short attention spans, it is much more vital to keep the unsubscribe option in plain sight of your audience rather than making them spend more time looking for it.

Moreover, besides giving them the option to unsubscribe from all the emails, you can give them an option to unsubscribe from a specific list, so that they continue to receive other emails.

Ensure consistent branding

Your email design for your newsletter must be consistent to create a superior user experience. Therefore, use the same colors, design, style, logo, elements and more while making it visually appealing.

You can do so with the help of email software or templates.

Consider previous data

A date about what has been done before will help you gauge the areas of improvement. It will also give you insights into click-through rates, open rates, unsubscribe rates, bounce rates and more.

Besides showing how these campaigns are performing, it also shows what mistakes you must avoid. This will help with strategies, what type of content performs better, the timings, frequencies and more.

Email marketing for coaching business

Building meaningful connections and showcasing your expertise is essential and that’s where email marketing shines as a strategic powerhouse, driving growth and fostering lasting client relationships.

Key advantages in marketing for coaching business

  • Cost-effectiveness: Compared to traditional advertising or paid social media campaigns, email marketing is incredibly budget-friendly. It allows you to reach a large audience without breaking the bank.
  • Targeted communication: Segment your email list based on client needs, interests, and goals. This ensures that each message is relevant and engaging, increasing the chances of conversion.
  • Lead nurturing: Guide potential clients through a journey of discovery, building trust and rapport along the way. Share valuable insights, offer exclusive resources, and gradually lead them towards your coaching services.
  • Thought leadership: Position yourself as a trusted expert in your field. Consistently share valuable content like tips, articles, and case studies that demonstrate your knowledge and passion.
  • Engagement & community building: Keep your audience engaged with regular updates, announcements, and special offers. Foster a sense of community by encouraging interaction through surveys, polls, and Q&A sessions.

How different coaching niches benefit

  • Life coaches: Inspire and motivate clients through personalized tips, success stories, and announcements of upcoming workshops or retreats. Cultivate a community where clients feel supported and understood.
  • Business coaches: Share actionable business strategies, client testimonials, and exclusive discounts on coaching programs. Position yourself as a thought leader and go-to resource for entrepreneurs and professionals.
  • Career coaches: Provide job search tips, resume critiques, and career-related resources. Announce networking events or career fairs to connect clients with opportunities.
  • Health coaches: Share healthy recipes, motivational messages, and wellness tips. Announce workshops or challenges and offer discounts on health-related products or services.


See how easy it is to conquer your subscriber’s hearts with a newsletter.

You can use the above tips and tricks and use them to work for you, your niche and your business. Organically, the newsletter will prove to be significant for a steady flow of loyal clients.

However, I’d say that boosting your marketing for coaching business requires more than just a compelling email copy.
Your newsletter could include time management, leadership, skill development, improved communication and goal setting.

Getting the engagement ball rolling for them is almost like juggling multiple balls, wouldn’t you agree?
However, at Icegram Express we are making sure you drop none of those!
With features like newsletter broadcasts, deliveries and engagement tracking, we are ticking all the boxes for you!

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