Elevate your email campaigns with accurate spam score insights!
Review and reduce your
spam scores with Icegram Express
Time to nip spam in the bud and get your emails where they are supposed to be!
The success of your emails depends on reaching your audience’s inbox. And that’s exactly what we help you with! Allow IG Express Spam Report to track if you’ve mitigated the poor spam scoring.

Get a realistic picture with the IG Express Spam Report
Are you connected with your audience, or is your message going unheard? Optimize your email
campaigns and maximize your reach with our comprehensive spam score tracking.
Improve Performance
A higher spam score can significantly impact your email performance and user experience. Gain insights from detailed spam score reports and take actionable steps to lower your score with our plugin. Improve your email content and strategy to stand out in a crowded market.
Enhanced Engagement
Understand how your email delivery impacts engagement levels and move your campaigns toward successful delivery. Use our plugin to get in-depth data to help reduce spam scores and maintain a strong connection with your audience throughout their customer journey.

Boosted Deliverability
Boost the rates of successful email deliverability and allow automation to address any issues. Test your emails before they hit your subscribers’ inbox, ensuring they reach the intended audience without fail. Fix deliverability problems promptly to maintain high engagement.
Save Time & Resources
Is your investment in email campaigns worth it? Use Icegram Express to get a bird’s eye view of your email deliverability, giving you a clear understanding of how to allocate your time and resources. Ensure that your emails are read and not wasted in spam folders.
More Subscriptions
Keep a tab on non-existing, disposable or inactive email addresses. Achieve your marketing goals by avoiding spam filters and targeting an engaged audience that anticipates your messages and is likely to convert. Maintain a clean, active subscriber list to boost subscriptions.