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How to show an Icegram Engage message depending on the scroll position of the visitor

: This feature is available in Icegram Engage Pro plan.


Step 1: Install and Activate Icegram Engage Pro.

Step 2: Create New Campaign or Edit a previous campaign.

Step 3: Go to the Show Trigger option in the Behavior window.

Step 4: Set Show Trigger of that message as "Scroll Position".

Step 5: Further configuration of the Scroll Trigger can be done according to your requirements.

To show any Icegram message when a visitor scrolls half of the page
To show any Icegram message when a visitor scrolls half of the page

To show any Icegram message when a visitor scrolls to the end of the page
To show any Icegram message when a visitor scrolls to the end of the page

Step 6: Fill in other details of the campaign and check the preview.

Step 7: Publish / Update the campaign.


Read more about Icegram's Page Level Targeting / User Level Targeting feature.