How to duplicate an Icegram Engage Message
To duplicate your Icegram Engage message, follow these steps:
Step 1: In your WordPress Admin Menu, go to Icegram Engage
-> Messages
. This will open up the message dashboard where you'll see all your created messages.
Step 2: Hover over a message's name that you want to Duplicate.
Step 3: From the links that appear below on hovering, click on Duplicate.
On clicking Duplicate, Icegram Engage will create a draft of your existing message and enter into the edit mode. You can make further changes and save as draft / publish it.
How to Import New Messages into your Existing Campaign
To import new messages into your existing campaigns, follow these steps:
Step 1: Enter into the campaign edit mode.
Step 2: Click on the "Message" dropdown and search the name of your created message. It will appear in the dropdown bar; select it.