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How to Integrate WordPress Plugin Icegram Express form with Icegram Engage

You can create engaging lead capture forms to attract new leads by integrating the Icegram Engage campaign with Icegram Express. In this documentation, we will show you how to use Icegram Express Forms in Icegram Message Campaigns.


You need to first create a form in Icegram Express before you start creating/ editing your Icegram campaign.

  1. Create a new campaign / Edit previously created Icegram campaign.

  2. Fill in all the message details as per your requirements.

  3. In the Form section below Message Body textbox, check the box that says Use Opt-in / Subscription / Lead capture form. This will open up additional settings.

  4. Select your Icegram Express form from the Dropdown in the option that says Use Icegram Express form or you can click on the link form embed code and embed the Icegram Express form shortcode in the textbox that appears below.


  1. Choose the form style from the Styling tab.

  2. Publish / Update the campaign.

That's it. The form has been embedded into the Icegram campaign. Now whenever a visitor will subscribe to your form, you will be able to see the leads in the Icegram Express > Audience screen.